Friday, July 3, 2015

Frank Smith Lives

As you are all aware Frank Smith is alive. He's back for revenge. As it stands right now, he is behind the kidnapping of Lucky & Ethan. Maybe he has had some help, after all he's in a wheelchair. He's been paralyzed since Luke supposedly killed him 20 years ago. Of course there are mixed reviews on his resurrection.

Pleasing all the audience is impossible. After the botched storyline of Fluke (changed midstream) this is far more believable than Helena (who is supposedly being held in Greece by Nik). Do I think maybe she had something to do with it? Possibly. I would believe it. Having Frank Smith help Luke with his last adventure for me brings full circle Luke. Anthony came on GH as the bad guy character that was originally slated to be a 13 week gig, but stayed for 37 years as our beloved Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.....

Who cares that Frank Smith would be about 90? Anyone out there watch Days? Victor's portrayer John Aniston will be 82 this month and the actor who plays Stefano (who never dies either) Joseph Mascolo  is 86....... Since when does age matter on a soap? Kids go from being infants to kindergarten in the matter of a week. Kids go upstairs in the attic to get skis and are forgotten about. Yea it drives us crazy, we blog and post about it and complain but the important thing is our show goes on....Who cares that the same actor doesn't play Frank Smith or Jennifer Smith? There is a new Dillon in this adventure too, no one is complaining about that. Look at OLTL years ago when Asian actress Mia Korf, who played Blair left to pursue other avenues they replaced her with blonde haired blue eyed Kassie DePaiva. Never mentioned her race change. The audience went with it & fell in love with Kassie. The show must go on, if the actor is available great. If the actor is problematic, they have to replace the actor much to our dismay but as long as GH is on the air I'm happy...  People need to give the writers a break. They are bringing back everyone they can for Luke's send off, let's let them play it out before we freak out and rate it. It's not over yet. Luke last airs July 27th today is the 3rd ~

Let's see how this plays out....

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