Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dante/Lulu/Val Triangle

Here is a new angle instead of the typical soap triangle -

 let's not have Val get pregnant. Do we really need another pregnancy? Another baby that is never shown because the parents are too busy? (excuse me as I yawn).......

 I know it would be different to  NOT go down that road.  But you ask how can Lulu find out about their one night stand? What would keep viewers interested in the fall out of them cheating? I mean really, she can't continue on thinking they only kissed.....
Maybe Lulu can find out she suddenly has Chlamydia,  Chancroid, Herpes,  Syphilis or Gonorrhea

Now she knows she has been faithful and hasn't been with anyone else since Johnny Z which was years and years ago. So how could she possibly have this? Right now she truly trusts and believes her husband didn't cheat, but finding this out.... she realizes Dante did more than "kiss" her cousin... Not only did he cheat, he didn't even take the time to use protection which put her at risk ....
I can see her in typical Spencer fashion, set them up and get the truth out of them....

This storyline could do a few thing:
  •  Educate our (young) viewers that unprotected sex doesn't mean a life changing pregnancy. 
  • It can bring awareness that one night can bring a life long problem with an STD
  •  It'll be more entertaining for us loyal viewers who have seen more than enough pregnancies from one night stands to last a life time..
  • And lastly it could give Lulu an edge and make her a more likable character......

Wouldn't this be more fun to watch unfold? Nothing like a scorned woman. And a Spencer woman to boot -

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