Friday, July 10, 2015

Can the writers save GH?

While we are all debating on social media the resurrection of Jake Martin Spencer/Morgan it leaves fans to wonder will this bring ratings up? Or will they go crashing down?

Will fans buy the latest back-from-the-dead storyline?

While if well written and our questions are answered ~ this MIGHT work BUT it still has a lot of fans upset, wait no irate.

So many fans that grieved when Jake was killed by his grandfather, who shouldn't have been behind the wheel. This storyline brought a couple of important matters to our attention - driving under the influence, organ donation -

However, Jake being alive does not erase the fact that Luke was driving under the influence, hit Jake and never even realized it....That was a very important message to get across to those in denial of their addiction. Luke is someone people idolize.  Luke's actions (drinking) had major consequences.....regardless of Jake's fate.
His intervention was well written

And of course well acted  by all involved. Tony Geary, Jonathan Jackson, Jane Elliot, Julie Marie Berman (I still miss her!!!) Nathan Parsons, Tyler Christopher, Maurice Bernard,  & Laura Wright were exceptional......

Storylines that can bring awareness of sensitive matters have become an important part of the history of GH. Bipolar Disease, Heart Disease, Spousal Abuse to mention a few ~ but
 No one will ever forget when BJ died and Maxie received her heart. That storyline has been an important part of GH history (and my favorite storyline)
Aside from Organ Donation Awareness ~ did anyone know about Kawasaki Disease prior to Maxie becoming sick? Let alone symptoms to look for? I am sure only a handful of you were aware.
I personally feel that Jake's death/Joss's kidney transplant was rushed (Joss was sick for five minutes where Maxie had been sick for months) but the gist of it was heartbreaking. 
Having Jake die in a similar tragedy (BJ's was a bus accident on the way to school) and his kidney saving Joss was another PSA for the importance of Organ Donation.
So many parents face  this heartbreaking decision every day. Maybe just maybe this storyline brought awareness to some poor viewer that faced that horrible decision, they may not have considered this choice or realized the other side (Maxie and Joss) prior to watching GH.
Now five years later, we find out that Jake didn't die. His organs didn't go to save other children??? That brought his mom comfort and peace for the past 5 years. These nameless faceless children are what helped Liz go on. Lucky grieved for a child he raised, one he promised Jason to protect and keep from harm (and the mob). Grief can consume a person, the grief of losing a child must be overwhelming and paralyzing.
These actors didn't disappoint.

Now if Jake is alive and this isn't Luke dreaming we, the audience, have to swallow and buy that Helena's hatred for Luke was the root of this evil deed.  Well, that I can believe. I also believe the actors involved will rock these scenes, as
the storyline potential is definitely there.
How did Evil Nik not know that Jake was on Cassadine Island? Of course he knew and when that fact comes out, the fall out of that fact alone is endless....Will Jakeson recognize his son? How will Jake act given that he has been under Helena's influences?  Will Monica get to know Jake now (she found out he was her grandson after he "died")??
Will Liz have 2nd thoughts about keeping Jason's identity a secret? Did he really donate a kidney to Joss? If he did, is he healthy? Any damage from being "brain dead" or kidney issues? If not, where did it come from? (remember you can live with one kidney!)
The viewers hate the thought of losing GH and having it canceled ~  we all can't agree on characters to love, storylines or couples to hate.... but what we can agree with is
we do not want to see another ABC soap be canceled.

So if you happen to be reading this & I really hope you are
 Ron C and Frank V here are some tips ~
** Please tell stories and don't get distracted with too many stories! Stop taking forever for the big reveal. It takes the suspense away and makes us roll our eyes & quite frankly "not care anymore"....
**Sharing that there is a big "secret" but don't make us wait over a year! (Rosalie's secret was mentioned before last years 4th of July festivities)
**Don't change stories mid storyline so they do not make sense (Bill Eckert could have been Fluke or if you had to change maybe Sly would have beena  better choice)!
** Don't bring veteran GH soap actors back and not write for them because you have too many storylines on the stove. Example Frisco, Felicia, Duke (we sacrifice him to bring Hayden Barnes) Dumb move.

** Fake phone calls go a long way with us - example Tracy calling Brooklyn was priceless- more of that. Mentioning Lucky missed his Skype calls AFTER he was kidnapped? You missed the boat with that....
** Ratings - Take into consideration social media and blogs - we watch GH anyway we can. ABC screwed up by taking away Soap Net, some of your viewers can't afford cable prices and watch online via you tube

I still wish this Jake storyline to be Luke's dream but if THAT will save GH from being canceled I will have no choice but to accept it....

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