Friday, July 31, 2015

Remember this guy?

Happy Birthday Jay Bonatatibus!

He played Andy Cappelli  from 2002- 2003
He was a Detective for the PCPD, he Shot Officer Brian Beck and framed Coldstone/ Jason..... Later killed by Jason Morgan in self-defense.

Happy Birthday Wally!

We miss you!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy 63rd Ilene Kristen!

Many of us remember her as Delia on Ryan's Hope and rejoiced as she brought that crazy loveable character to GH. Some of us remember her as the flaky Roxy Balsom on One Life to Life. No matter how you remember her I am sure it's fondly! Wishing her a Happy 63rd Birthday to Ilene! It's such a joy to watch her. Here are a few clips over the years
From 1977 - Ryan's Hope

Max on One Life to Live wakes up in 2002 married to Roxy! (kind of reminds me of when Tracy woke up married to Luke)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Today we say goodbye to a part of GH history - #Farewell Luke

Anthony Geary debuts on GH 37 years ago ~ What a legendary character he ended up being. So many storylines. So many beautiful female co-stars.
He had such charisma, such class, which is really unexplainable.
Robert and Luke ~ True friends
Holly & Luke

Luke and Jackie Templeton (Demi Moore)
BB King preforms at Luke's
Bobbie and Luke - Best Soap Siblings

Stefan, Luke, Nik & Catherine
Tracy Aka Spanky Buns and Luke

 I can't imagine GH without him but I know it will carry on. Although, he was such an important part of GH's history and a BIG part of why it became such a success us loyal viewers will continue to watch!
Robert Laura and Luke -
True friends

Today will be a sad day in soap history......
Good Luck Tony - Amsterdam's gain is Port Charles' loss.....
You will live in our hearts and we can watch you on Youtube.....
Luke and Laura Dance at Wyndham's
Luke & Laura Make Love for the first time in Beecher's Corner
Luke & Jennifer's Wedding ~ Scotty Punches Luke
Luke with Helena played by Liz Taylor
Mayor Luke - Think of Laura
Luke finds out Lulu is pregnant
Luke finds out the truth about Ethan
Luke and Ethan Karaoke
Luke finds out he killed Jake
Luke's intervention - Lucky's letter to Luke

Happy Birthday Seamus Dever

Happy Birthday to Seamus!!!

Before he played Detective Kevin Ryan he played Dr. Ian Devlin on General Hospital. He was only on for a short time (45 episodes) but he left a mark on GH's history. He shot Michael Cortinthos causing him to be in a coma and age about 10 years...... Wishing him a Happy Birthday!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Happy 65th Birthday Sam!

Our beloved Jake Meyer turns 65 today!
Happy Birthday Sam


Here is a picture of Sam and his beautiful wife of 26 years, Shari Belafonte


GH 25 years ago

Anna spends time with P.K. Sinclair (AKA Faison)
Tom and Simone reunite but their reunion is interrupted
Dawn takes off with Decker at her wedding to Ned.
Robert investigates Decker
Anna, Robert & Robin

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Gh 25 years ago today

Sadly a 20 minute interruption due to news - the 20th left a nice cliff hanger

Monday, July 20, 2015

25 years ago today on General Hospital

Wedding preparations for Dawn and Ned's wedding take place. Decker finds Wendy dead.
Aunt Charlene and Colton. Lucy and Alan are married. Not much has changed - they are worried about ELQ being taken away from them.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

#TBT Luke Spencer

Throw Back Thursday in honor of Tony Gear AKA Luke Spencer
In 11 more days GH will air Tony's last day as our beloved Luke
Here is Luke with Scotty, while they hated each other they had one thing in common ~ they both loved Laura

And here is Luke with the first Helena, Liz Taylor. Who became more than friends off screen.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Dante/Lulu/Val Triangle

Here is a new angle instead of the typical soap triangle -

 let's not have Val get pregnant. Do we really need another pregnancy? Another baby that is never shown because the parents are too busy? (excuse me as I yawn).......

 I know it would be different to  NOT go down that road.  But you ask how can Lulu find out about their one night stand? What would keep viewers interested in the fall out of them cheating? I mean really, she can't continue on thinking they only kissed.....
Maybe Lulu can find out she suddenly has Chlamydia,  Chancroid, Herpes,  Syphilis or Gonorrhea

Now she knows she has been faithful and hasn't been with anyone else since Johnny Z which was years and years ago. So how could she possibly have this? Right now she truly trusts and believes her husband didn't cheat, but finding this out.... she realizes Dante did more than "kiss" her cousin... Not only did he cheat, he didn't even take the time to use protection which put her at risk ....
I can see her in typical Spencer fashion, set them up and get the truth out of them....

This storyline could do a few thing:
  •  Educate our (young) viewers that unprotected sex doesn't mean a life changing pregnancy. 
  • It can bring awareness that one night can bring a life long problem with an STD
  •  It'll be more entertaining for us loyal viewers who have seen more than enough pregnancies from one night stands to last a life time..
  • And lastly it could give Lulu an edge and make her a more likable character......

Wouldn't this be more fun to watch unfold? Nothing like a scorned woman. And a Spencer woman to boot -

Friday, July 10, 2015

Can the writers save GH?

While we are all debating on social media the resurrection of Jake Martin Spencer/Morgan it leaves fans to wonder will this bring ratings up? Or will they go crashing down?

Will fans buy the latest back-from-the-dead storyline?

While if well written and our questions are answered ~ this MIGHT work BUT it still has a lot of fans upset, wait no irate.

So many fans that grieved when Jake was killed by his grandfather, who shouldn't have been behind the wheel. This storyline brought a couple of important matters to our attention - driving under the influence, organ donation -

However, Jake being alive does not erase the fact that Luke was driving under the influence, hit Jake and never even realized it....That was a very important message to get across to those in denial of their addiction. Luke is someone people idolize.  Luke's actions (drinking) had major consequences.....regardless of Jake's fate.

Happy Birthday Haley!

Happy 17th Birthday Haley!
We just love watching this beauty grow into such a lovely young lady......

A fun clip of her younger years!
Such a talented young lady!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Happy Birthday Vanita!

Remember Dara? Her portrayer turns 47 today!


Luke didn't kill Jake?

While this last storyline of Luke unfolds blogs and social media is going wild. The writers promised a good send off. Longtime viewers are skeptical. Seeing that Luke has been an icon of daytime tv for 37 years it is fitting he has all this attention. Will this bring ratings up? If Jake is alive, the boy Luke ran over while drunk driving some fans will rejoice and some will be irate. Jake gave his kidney to keep Joss alive and off screen he supposedly donated other organs to nameless faceless children. For some of us this is a slap against the BJ/Maxie storyline that tugged at our hearts and we still cry over. How about the moms out there that watch GH and have lost a child? How does this make them feel? They would love their child to walk through the door or their death be a dream... I hope the writers are smart enough to tread lightly with this......Ratings will drop faster than Luke picks up a drink....

Is Lucky having a break down because he can't deal with the guilt? Guilt can take over your life. Lucky did agree to raise Jake to keep him out of the mob life. Lucky was suppose to keep him safe from Jason's (his bio dad) lifestyle, maybe he feels he failed? After all, it was Lucky's Dad that ran over this beautiful little boy and resulted in his death. How does one deal with that amount of guilt? Is Lucky having some mental issues like Laura?

     Could Luke be dreaming? Maybe Luke is still in the hospital and getting therapy? The potential there could be endless -  That would mean Dante did not cheat on Lulu. Maybe Dante & Lulu even bought a house with a bedroom or two. Maybe Liz isn't keeping the secret of Jakeson anymore. Nik didn't get control of ELQ. Michael didn't give AJ/Avery back to Sonny. Nina didn't marry Ric. Fava didn't trust Franco with her secret...... oh well of course that big two letter word "IF" this scenario is written correctly.....

If Jake is alive the potential for storyline could also be great. (of course IF written correctly)... Lots of questions ~  Will Liz keep Jakeson's identity a secret? After all she'd be keeping him from her own son as well as Danny. Will seeing Jake trigger Jason's memory? He did after all remember Jake before anyone else. He has some memories of Jake (playing with the motorcycle but sees Danny with Liz so they are clouded)... Which baby momma will Jason stay with?

 Not sure which scenario I like best the dream, Jake lives or stays dead? Will this storyline take over Luke's exit? It's only July 7th and we still have 20 more days before Luke's last air date.....

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Gloria Stuart (Catherine)

Happy Birthday Gloria Stuart AKA Catherine
Can't remember who she played? Click on the link below ~

Friday, July 3, 2015

Frank Smith Lives

As you are all aware Frank Smith is alive. He's back for revenge. As it stands right now, he is behind the kidnapping of Lucky & Ethan. Maybe he has had some help, after all he's in a wheelchair. He's been paralyzed since Luke supposedly killed him 20 years ago. Of course there are mixed reviews on his resurrection.

Pleasing all the audience is impossible. After the botched storyline of Fluke (changed midstream) this is far more believable than Helena (who is supposedly being held in Greece by Nik). Do I think maybe she had something to do with it? Possibly. I would believe it. Having Frank Smith help Luke with his last adventure for me brings full circle Luke. Anthony came on GH as the bad guy character that was originally slated to be a 13 week gig, but stayed for 37 years as our beloved Lucas Lorenzo Spencer.....

Who cares that Frank Smith would be about 90? Anyone out there watch Days? Victor's portrayer John Aniston will be 82 this month and the actor who plays Stefano (who never dies either) Joseph Mascolo  is 86....... Since when does age matter on a soap? Kids go from being infants to kindergarten in the matter of a week. Kids go upstairs in the attic to get skis and are forgotten about. Yea it drives us crazy, we blog and post about it and complain but the important thing is our show goes on....Who cares that the same actor doesn't play Frank Smith or Jennifer Smith? There is a new Dillon in this adventure too, no one is complaining about that. Look at OLTL years ago when Asian actress Mia Korf, who played Blair left to pursue other avenues they replaced her with blonde haired blue eyed Kassie DePaiva. Never mentioned her race change. The audience went with it & fell in love with Kassie. The show must go on, if the actor is available great. If the actor is problematic, they have to replace the actor much to our dismay but as long as GH is on the air I'm happy...  People need to give the writers a break. They are bringing back everyone they can for Luke's send off, let's let them play it out before we freak out and rate it. It's not over yet. Luke last airs July 27th today is the 3rd ~

Let's see how this plays out....

Happy Birthday Harlan!

 Happy Birthday Michael Cole!
Remember Harlan Barrett?