Wednesday, August 17, 2016

39 years ago today Leslie Charleson debuted as Monica Bard Webber Quatermaine

Monica appeared in Port Charles after recently marrying Dr. Jeff Webber December 1976, she was played by Patsy Rahn (below right with Richard Dean Anderson as Jeff Webber). Monica had only married Jeff on the rebound. She was still deeply in love with Jeff's brother, Rick, who had been presumed dead in Africa. After each had affairs (Monica with Rick and Jeff with Heather) Jeff and Monica divorced in 1977. Patsy Rahn was supposedly fired in the summer of 1977, and was replaced by Leslie Charleson  on August 17, 1977 who is now the longest actor on General Hospital.
Monica married Dr. Alan Quatermaine in 1978. Alan bought a mansion for Monica as a wedding present, and his family ended up living there as well. Monica loved Alan's parents, Edward and Lila, but his sister, Tracy was a different story. Still to this day..... However, within a year of her second marriage, Monica once again fell into Rick's arms and the two had a one-night stand. Monica was pregnant (AJ) and didn't know who the father was.

What Monica storyline was your favorite? There were a lot to choose from!
Monica & Jeff
Monica & Rick
Monica & Alan
Monica & Sean
Monica & Tracy's complex relationship
Monica & Pierce (the sexual harassment case)
Monica, Paige & Emily ~ breast cancer storyline
Monica's friendship with Bobbie
Monica & Leslie's battling over Rick

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