Monday, August 22, 2016

30 years ago today in Port Charles

30 years ago today ~
Lois and Ned in Los Angeles on tour. Ned scores an extended gig there. They contemplate staying. Tracy does not like Justus taking over at ELQ. Alan points out that Justus is part of the family. Tracy and Justus go a few rounds. Edward and Justus discuss Damian's murder. Nikolas is not happy when Stefan tells him that he is meeting Laura. Nikolas wants no part of the meeting. Laura tells Ruby about Nikolas. Luke breaks up the physical fight between Lucky and Nikolas. Stefan gives Laura some background on Nikolas. Bobbie is angry with Alan for thinking of putting GH in the Cassadine's hands. Alan tells her about how much trouble the hospital is in. Luke comes to Alan with the same concerns. Courting the Cassadines is bad news.

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