Monday, May 18, 2015

Live Shows ~ My thoughts

Today was the 2nd day of Live shows. I am not sure what the hype was about. It was "ok". No major flubs or bloopers as they say. Storyline wise I am disappointed except for Anna killing Carlos. I am sorry he's gone but if Duke had to go so did Carlos IMO. Now today we find out Shawn is gone too. I still feel that TJ is the one that killed Duke. Maybe Shawn is going to take the fall for TJ? Wouldn't be the first time. The PCPD can't be that stupid not to check the ballistics report on the bullet that Hayden took, it wasn't Shawn's....
What was that fiasco with Nina, Franco & Ric?? It was a wasted "filler" storyline. Nina and Franco could be so much better than this......
And just what is happening to Nik? Is he being brainwashed and under Helena's control?

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