Thursday, May 21, 2015

Move your fingers from the keyboard

Stop & read this before you post something hypocritical. I read blogs and other groups, scroll over posts and intently read comments. Some make me LOL, some make me furious. Some are downright ludicrous. Some make me wonder if they realize how hypocritical they are being. For example ~ there are those who absolutely hate Liz think it's awful that she is keeping Jason from his wife and son. And don't get me wrong, I truly think he should know who he is for many reasons. One he deserves to know the truth. Two, if Liz admits it he will more likely stay with her than leave her. Three, it isn't as if he chose others over her, she is the one who didn't want to be involved with the mob (and heck who can blame her). I believe she should tell him the truth but having said that - by keeping quiet she is keeping Danny safe and in a stable environment (he has a family life with Patrick, Emma & Sam). It also keeps Emma in a stable environment (Lord knows that girl has been through enough in her short life time). But what gets my blood pressure high is the people that are saying awful horrible things about Elizabeth because she isn't telling the truth. Those same people think it's justifiable for Olivia to lie to Julian to keep her baby safe. How is what Liv is doing better or ok? She is telling a father that his newborn baby has died. How awful for any parent! How many people have had to bury their infant child and to watch this gut wrenching storyline and know it's a lie. She's committing a crime, and involving her son the police detective in this as well. How is that ok? Do I need to define the word hypocrite?

Full disclosure ~  Please know that I love Liv!
And I understand why she is doing this. I probably would do the same thing (if I had a one night stand with a mob boss) to protect my child. But I am not saying what Liz is doing is so horrific that she should have bad things happen to her.... I admit Liz is wrong and she should fess up but I also admit Liv is wrong and she should deal with the consequences of her actions. I wish people would think twice about writing horrible things about a character (they are not real) and remember that if they didn't do these crazy horrible dramatic things then we wouldn't watch. And GH would no longer exist.....

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