Saturday, May 28, 2016

Casting changes on General Hospital

Recent casting changes are said to be temporary but it causes concerns for longtime fans. Both Kirsten Storms and Tyler Christopher have a huge fan base.

Both are involved in big storylines at this time.

To send Kirsten's Maxie Jones to see Georgie for an extended time right now would not be believable as she's planning her wedding to Nathan and his ex wife is headed to Port Charles. Scripts are written storylines are in place for the build up.

Tyler's Nik is involved in a big storyline as well. He's married to Hayden ooops I mean Rachel and he's just faked his death. The powers that be have had no choice but to find emergency replacements.

Granted they are saying these replacements are temporary rumors are swirling that may not be the case for both or one of them. While I personally love both Kirsten and Tyler, I hope they are ok. Tyler's mother died in January, just a little over 4 months ago. I personally know how difficult it is to lose your mom and while that may or may not be the reason he needed this time off, I do hope he's going to return.

Kirsten has had an emergency recast back in 2011-2012 for 10 months. Lovely Jen Lilley stepped in as her storyline was full force with Maxie & Matt Hunter. It was not easy for a lot of Kirsten's fans. She stated she left because of medical issues with endometriosis. Since then she returned, married former co-star Brandon Barash and had beautiful Harper Rose Barash in January 2014 (who later played Maxie's on-screen daughter Georgie Spinelli). She announced not long ago she & Brandon have separated and are amicable in raising their daughter Harper. Now she has another emergency leave. I can only pray that her health is ok and she'll be able to return quickly.

What does this mean to us fans? Are we concerned? Of course we are! While it's difficult to accept change, it's hard for us not to see our favorite actress/actor every day. Seeing someone step into that role we have grown to love is difficult to accept. Change is difficult to accept. But if we support our show, changes and all, continue to watch (even if the actor is different than we are used to) our show will stay on the air. We want Tyler and Kirsten to be ok, we want them to come back but we want there to be a show to come back to.

Best wishes Tyler & Kirsten - you will truly be missed. You have a lot of fans waiting for your return, please hurry back

Good luck to Nick Stabile and Molly Burnett - you have big shoes to fill, big roles to play but  no doubt you will do a great job!

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