Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Luke gets "raped" by Jennifer Smith

Maybe I am the only one who thinks it's great GH brought back Luke's former fiancé . But I bet I am not the only one who is rolling her eyes and scratching her head as to "why". She kidnapped Lucky, made Laura and Luke fake getting back together at Tracy's expense (which I need to mention Jane rocked those scenes!) and all because she wants to jump Luke's bones? What?!?! This is Tony Geary's big send off? Am I dreaming? Is Luke? This is a nightmare. I can not believe Tony agreed to this "adventure"! I know that it's hard to please everyone with a storyline and some will love it and some will hate it but I am in shock over anyone who would LOVE this storyline. I know it's not over and there is more story to tell, well I am hoping that is the case. I am hoping that Jennifer's strings are being pulled by someone else. Please writers - don't let us down. Again. Please!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Birthday Coleman

Happy 54th Birthday Blake Gibbons ~

Great video of the guys of PC!

Happy Birthday Leigh McCloskey

Happy Birthday Leigh!
Not sure about anyone else but I had a big crush on him when he played Mitch on Dallas and was involved with Charlene Tilton. Did I think she was one lucky lady!

Here is a clip of Damian with Bobbie Jones and Tony. Tony catches them in the stairway kissing at GH.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Happy Birthday Brighton!

 Happy Birthday Brighton Hertford!
Hard to believe she is 29 today!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Genie's back..... what's next?

Ok so Genie Francis is back as our beloved Laura Webber Baldwin Spencer - I have read mixed reviews about this. While I am thrilled to have Laura back and knowing Jonathan Jackson, Nathan Parsons and Emma Samms are on the way is even more exciting. Icing on the cake would be if Tristan Rogers came back, and the ice cream on the iced cake would be John Reilly. Time will tell.

The writers have some big adventure send off for Luke. It's been 3 days since Laura showed up, and fans are going crazy. I say give it some time. I get it's hard to have faith in these writers as they have failed us. Seeing Luke hurt Tracy yet again is painful to watch but it is painful to watch when our beloved character dies (Duke) or when a baby dies (Gabriel).  It's a drama. If someone isn't plotting revenge, hurt, mourning a loved one or catching someone having an affair then the show doesn't go on.

Jane Elliot is shining as the hurt scorned woman. She never gets to be happy but then again she is always the first to hurl an insult at someone. She makes it hard to love her. But Luke loved her. In fact, he still loves her. Anthony Geary played Luke perfectly as he broke Tracy's heart. He was clearly pained by telling her he was "going back to Laura". We have to have faith that this isn't "true".  When Luke said he was doing this for "love", he didn't say it was for the love of Laura. Could it be the love of his son or maybe sons? Lucky must be in trouble maybe Ethan too which is why Holly comes back to town. If Luke told Tracy the truth, where would the mystery be? We certainly wouldn't be talking about it the way we have been. Blogs wouldn't be on fire, Facebook groups wouldn't be debating. This is what makes for a good storyline.

I am going to hold out hope that the writers do Anthony's departure justice. I am going to enjoy Jane Elliot's incredible acting, embrace Genie's return and soak up the rest of Tony's on screen time. I look forward to seeing Jonathan, Nathan & Emma. I will pray for more returns to send Tony off  in style.

Keep the faith fans......

Happy 53rd Birthday Carolyn!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Look who we will see today!

Thank you Genie for coming back! We've missed you. Sending Luke off wouldn't be right without you!
We hope you stay & help Nik through his dark time. What would you like Laura's storyline to be if she stayed around after Luke left? Maybe get into that business with Lucy? Be a hands on Grandmother to Aiden, Rocco & Spencer?

Thursday, June 4, 2015


Ten years ago this week on GH
Let's throw back more ~
Twenty years ago - GH Promo....

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Look who is 69 today!

Happy Birthday Tristan!
 He is like a fine wine, gets better looking with age!