Thursday, June 8, 2017

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Happy Anniversary Lucy Coe!

Do you remember when Lucy first came to Port Charles? Who knew that mousy librarian was really such a sexy woman? Over the years she was involved in so many storylines. Some hated her for her horrible deeds, some couldn't help but love her. I know my father enjoyed her when she was Lucy Coe on Port Charles (spin off of General Hospital). I would go home on my lunch break and have lunch with my dad & we'd watch Port Charles. He loved to see what "outfits" she'd be in. Something about her he liked. He also liked Linda Evans from Dynasty. What can I say, my dad had impeccable taste! The pictures of Lucy are for you Dad!

Happy Anniversary to Lucy Coe!

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Happy 81st Birthday Jed Allan

Happy 81st Birthday Jed  - he played Edward Quatermaine for a short time. He was probably one of the worst recasts in General Hospital history. Not because he was a bad actor, that was just not the case at all. It was his age, he was playing father to Alan Quatermaine, played by Stuart Damon who is 2 years younger than Jed.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Happy Birthday Sarah Joy Brown (Claudia Zacchara Corinthos)

Happy Birthday
Sarah Joy Brown
She played Carly Corinthos and Claudia Zacchara Corinthos

She turns 41 today